I'm taking Fantasy Art this semester with Jaime Zollars! It's super fun so far! Our first assignment was to pick a cliched fantasy stereotype and make it our own! So I drew this picture of some super cutie teenaged gypsy witches or something! Woo!
For Dan's class, I was doing these style dress-up dolls every once in a while. They were pretty fun, but a little too time consuming what with thesis and all to keep my interest, haha. Check 'em out!
Over break, I bought some new clothes and made a style doll for me!
Abby Boeh has lived her entire life in Maryland, which is probably as uneventful as it sounds. She then continued to live in Maryland, where she received her BFA in Illustration and Animation at the Maryland Institute College of Art. She was in a couple of cool shows and won very few awards of note, but she did make a lot of friends and eat a considerable amount of ice cream. She has no idea what she is doing with her life.
She sleeps very little and likes dumb faces.